And You Shall Afflict Your Beings–A Cry For The Capstone of Yom Kippur (An Audio Message)

This very special revelation was birthed early on the morning of Yom Kippur. It is not the voice of opinion speaking, but one of great humility, as His breakers have washed over me, bringing me to a place of restful understanding of the true meaning of what it means to ‘afflict your beings’.

For until we, as Jonah, cry out to be thrown into the sea to be swallowed up in self-examination for all of the things we have done to try and separate ourselves from Elohim’s great love, will we be able to experience true reconciliation with Him.

Until we allow Him to overwhelm our own strength with the mighty breakers of His strength, and allow Him to take us to the very depths of our own worthless vanities–we will never be qualified to be vomited out of them.

For when we find ourselves crying out to Him from within the belly of our own selfishness, recognizing it was by our own hand that we have found ourselves in this deep and smelly place, will we then realize that because of our willingness to afflict ourselves by jumping off the very thing that was leading us away from Him, will we then find ourselves within the womb and belly of His great mercy and loving-kindness!

We will never be raised to life until our own affliction makes us realize that we cannot be dependent upon our own lives for salvation but only upon the One who has already provided everything we will ever need to live victorious forever–our Savior and King–Messiah Yahushua!

Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and breakers passed over me. (Psalm 42:7)

You have put me in the lowest pit, In dark places, in the depths. Your wrath has rested heavily upon me, And You have afflicted me with all Your breakers. Selah. (Psalm 88:6-7)

For You threw me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the floods surrounded me. All Your breakers and Your waves passed over me. (Jonah 2:3)


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