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Appointed Times Calendar

A Calendar of His Festivals, Renewed Moons
Projects, Travel and Sharing/Teaching Engagements

(based on Leviticus 23)

Months begin with the renewed moon (Rosh Chodesh)

Days begin at sunset (Erev) and end at sunset of the following day

Weekly Shabbat begins sunset Friday and ends sunset Saturday

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Truth Not Religion | The True New Birth – Laying the Foundation | Lesson 4

October 11, 2015

Truth Not Religion: Is an assembly/group meeting that focuses on THE Truth of the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, as taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh and not by the opinions and religious systems of man.

Topic: We will be discussing The True New Birth – Laying the Foundation. Without understanding the foundational basis of why we need to experience the true new birth, we will never understand why Messiah Yahushua died and rose again. Without this understanding, people will die in their belief systems, never knowing the life they could have had in serving the Living Savior. We will also begin to cover the outline or plan of redemption; from A to Z.

Things to bring: Bible, paper, pen

Instructions: Please read all of the Scripture references before each lesson. We will be covering numbers 4 through 8

Download the Lesson Notes Here: Truth Not Religion | The True New Birth – Laying the Foundation - Lesson 4


October 11, 2015


Derek and Rivkah Townsend

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“And Elohim said, “Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years, and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth.” And it came to be so.”
Genesis 1:14-15