The Ever Continual One and the Abomination That Lays Waste

Note: The following is also included as an appendix to a much larger, in-depth study entitled, “The Abomination That Lays Waste”. I have included a link to this article at the end of this post.

I recently woke in the middle of the night with the words, “I am the ever existing one who breathes”. Then the word ‘continual’ came to my mind. That was it. The very definition of Yahuweh’s Name IS ‘that which is continual’. “I am the ever continual One Who breathes”.

In the morning, I checked with the 1828 Webster Dictionary and the word exist (existence) means ‘to continue in being, permanence, continuance, life, animation’.

In Daniel 12:11, the Hebrew word for ‘taken away’ is ‘sur’ meaning to turn aside and/or depart.

Yahuweh’s Spirit is the continuing life that departs in order to allow the rule of the Beast to come to full power.

In Ezekiel 8, the image of jealousy was revealed to Ezekiel. It was the image of abomination where the elders of Israel turned their backs on Yahuweh’s presence, putting palm branches to their faces, right up against their noses as to shield the sun coming up in order to carry out their worship of it. The whole scene of Ezekiel 8 describes the images of jealousy and the abominations that were going on in the “name” of Yahuweh. The actions of the people provoked His jealousy. It was a scene of total outright rejection of His Spirit, a blasphemes scene in which His great Name and character was thrown to the ground by those who ‘thought’ they could involve Him in their filthy rituals.

In Ezekiel 11, the Spirit of Yahuweh had enough of their abominations, so He departed His House, went and stood on top of the Mount of Olives. As a result of His presence leaving the Dwelling Place, the destruction and burning of the House of Yahuweh soon followed.

In the case of Iyob (Job), when Yahuweh gave permission to Satan to do what he wanted to him, he could not kill him, but only wear him down. So when Father’s Spirit of protection was lifted from Iyob, it took no time at all for Satan to kill all of his family, destroy his possessions, his livestock, and even inflict him with sickness.

In Revelation 14, the Messenger cries out for the inhabitants of the earth to just acknowledge Yahuweh as their Creator. This is the final call for people to choose light or darkness. It is the final call to turn towards Him in repentance or turn ones back on Him in complete rejection of Him.

As I was sharing some of this with Rivkah, she shared how the things that happened to Iyob (Job) clearly indicated that it was a shadow picture of the end days, the final hour to come. Iyob is a picture of the Bride of Messiah. Though she is worn down, beaten up and thoroughly raked over by the tribulum, she cannot die. She lives forever because she has been through the testing and fire that causes her to say, “Yahuweh is Elohim, and I am not!”

Once people have sided with the beast and have taken the mark, then Father’s Spirit departs from the earth to leave it in the hands of the Dragon and his Beast. As it was in the beginning, the earth was in total darkness and chaos, and shall be again for a small period of time. It was the Spirit of Yahuweh that hovered (brooded) over the earth. It is the same as a mother hen keeping her babies warm. Without the nurturing and protection of the Spirit of Father in the earth, there only exists a planet that is dark, cold and in utter chaos. Compare this to what happened when the Spirit of Father departed from King Saul. Almost immediately, an evil spirit came to torment him, causing his mind to dwell in the condition the earth was in before the Creator renewed it.

As I said earlier, when His Spirit departed the House it wasn’t long before the fall of Jerusalem took place. Once that which is “continual” is removed and the rule is given by the Dragon to the Beast, then we know the earth, at that point, would not be able to withstand the devastation that will be wreaked upon it. If Satan could do that much damage to the life of Iyob (Job) in that short amount of time, then what can we expect? It is Father’s Spirit and His Word that keeps things in order on the earth. Once it is removed for a very short time, the enemy goes on a rampage seeking whom he may devour.

The short tribulation period leading up to the time when the Beast will rule the earth, will cause the final separation to occur between the people who have turned towards the light and the people who have embraced the darkness. The same separation occurred in Ezekiel 8 and 9 between those who chose to live in the darkness of their abominable celebrations, and those who sighed and cried over those abominations. The final division of the people, as Yahuweh witnessed it then, is happening right now. If what He witnessed then caused Him to depart, what can we expect He will do once He witnesses the same scenario again? Yahuweh’s Spirit will depart because those who have turned towards the light have already received the gift of repentance and those who have rejected Him cannot repent any longer. Satan will have his short rule through his son the beast, and will go after the set apart ones to do as much destruction before his time is up and his leashed is yanked by Yahuweh.

The sun shines on half the earth at one time, while the other half is dark. Once the division occurs, then the final darkness will settle over all the earth. The image of jealousy is the abomination that lays waste. It is the embodiment of all things that cause Yahuweh to be jealous for His Creation. It is the embodiment of the Ten Commandments reversed, thrown down and smashed. Once His Commandments are thrown down and smashed because of the image of jealousy (the idol worship, the golden calf), then the slaughtering of those people who participated in the abomination takes place. Afterwards, He writes again the Commandments, but this time, on the hearts of those who sided with Him.

It is the image of jealousy, the abomination that causes His wrath to break out and to destroy those who have rejected Him. At the time of His wrath being poured out, Messiah returns to the same place where His Father’s Spirit departed – on top of the Mount of Olives. Yahuweh’s first order of business upon returning is to pour out His Spirit for repentance and to open a fountain for the cleansing of sin and uncleanness of His people. The next thing He does is to cut off the names of all idols throughout every corner of the earth (the wings of abomination) (Daniel 9, Zechariah 13 and 14).

To recap, in Ezekiel 8 He sees the abomination and the image of jealously. In Ezekiel 11 and Daniel 12, He departs the Place where He had once met with His people (that which is continual is removed). Right before He returns His Spirit departs the earth, leaving it in the hands of the Dragon and the Beast to do what they need to do for a short time. Finally, in Ezekiel 12-14, Messiah returns to reclaim that which was lost. He goes and cleanses His House and then the entire earth of all images that caused Him to be jealous, destroying all abominations.

“And Yahuweh shall be Sovereign over all the earth. In that day there shall be ONE Yahuweh, and His Name one.” Zechariah 14:9

Click here to download, “The Abomination That Lays Waste

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