Lose the Intellect – Gain the Spirit | Walking in Unity, Power and Childlike Simplicity

As I began seeking Abba a few weeks ago, I asked Him what I should share with the believers in Canada should I go up there. In seeking what was on His heart, (one prayer He always seems to answer for me), it is clear that Yahuweh’s passion is for His family, yet more importantly, unity within His family. However, if there is no working bond between each individual member of the family, the house has a potential of collapse. Yahuweh must build the house for the house, (the family) to stand.

The message of unity…it seems to be getting stronger in me. It keeps coming up in my spirit. Why? Is this the message of the hour? Oh my, yes! Though it is highly crucial we know the inner-working’s of the plans of our enemy, if the General does not have soldiers who mesh together like gears in a clock, knowing the plans of the enemy will only bring fear. Soldiers who are in disarray, with ranks of divided agendas, will fear when the onslaught of the enemy comes.

Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). It is the power to love one another, through the Spirit of the Father, that holds the bond of unity together. If there is no love for our fellow soldier, fear most certainly will creep in – targeting one individual at a time until we become useless against the attacks of the enemy. However, through the unification of the Spirit, by the Spirit, we will march against the enemy with no fear, and take back what rightfully belongs to the Kingdom of Elohim.

The message of unity is a growing passion within me because it is the key to the final restoration of all things. What has also been growing within me lately is a complete disgust at what attempts to destroy the unity of the family of Elohim. Unforgiveness, pride, arrogance, and selfishness are all things that cause divisions within the house. Yet there is another, very devious cause of division that has threatened and will continue to eat away at unity if it is not dealt with; the intellect of man.

I have written and spoken so much on the dire necessity of repentance, forgiveness and destroying all pride within ourselves, yet the intellect of mankind poses the greater concern. Thinking! Reasoning! These are all part of our intellect and rightfully so, as we must continue to live in this world and make decisions based upon external circumstances and natural occurrences of everyday life. Our intellect enables us to interact in this world through the five senses. However, one thing is very true; the intellect of the mind cannot possibly conceive the things of the Spirit nor understand the depths of the mind of the Spirit.

Read ALL of 1st Corinthians 2 (specifically taking note of verses 4-8; and 13-16) – consider this passage the foundation of this discussion.

The intellect of the western mind is passionately controlled by its own desire to control what it cannot see or understand. If the mind is not completely transformed by the Word and submitted to the eternal realm of the Spirit, within our own spirit, it will continue to override the dealings of Father’s Spirit, usurping His will for the gratification of its own will.

The other day I had to vent. I was so angry, grieved and disgusted about something I had found out concerning the “two house movement”. First off, Father Yahuweh doesn’t do movements; He does lifestyle changes. Every move of Father through the ages has been cut off by man’s involvement through his intellect. Man is ever putting the work of the Spirit in a box, labeling it and selling it for profit.

The unification of the two sticks in the hand of Messiah, according to Ezekiel 37, is a work of the Spirit Himself; not man. Yes, man will be involved in the process of the restoration, however it is his job to ‘submit’ to the unifying power of the Spirit as participants and not ‘directors’. The intellect of man has such a lust, a greed to control what Father Yahuweh will do in His own time and in His own way. It has taken a few days now to cool down in order for me to share this with you, because I was so appalled at what I had read.

The restoration between Ephraim and brother Judah must not be driven by “organized” religion, conferences, symposiums, organizations and meetings. If there is a meeting to be had, it should be a gathering unto prayer and seeking the face of Abba in making sure that we do not become a hindrance to Yahuweh’s master plan of restoring His family.

“Say to them, ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “See, I am taking the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his companions. And I shall give them unto him, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in My hand.” ’ – Ezekiel 37:19

It is Yahuweh that will take the stick in His hand and cause the two houses to unite. Yet we gather at conferences to listen to speakers that have a resume a mile long, listing out all of their degrees, qualifications and theological “takes” on how to get Ephraim and Judah together. Man is trying to play “match-maker” and force things to happen in his own timing. Actually, this is a trait of Lucifer to attempt to usurp the will of Father, forcing something to happen outside His perfect will. The intellect and reasoning of man in his “organized” and well educated mind, does nothing more than squelch the Spirit’s work, and then man wonders why his plans never succeed. I have seen the agendas of some of these conferences and they look like something from a huge corporation that is getting ready for a financial merger. Yahuweh’s business should not be ran like a corporation.

Are we to stop reaching out to the lost, broken, lonely, cold and homeless just because Messiah is on the verge of returning? Elohim forbid! In man’s intellectual planning, where is there a mentioning of spreading the Good News? Where is the mention of uniting with the Spirit of Yahuweh in brotherly unity, calling upon His Name for His return and praying for the peace of Jerusalem? Where is the childlikeness, the simplicity of following the Master and crushing our own wills, thoughts and desires to align with His? The Acts 1:8 pattern must continue until Messiah returns to the place where He first gave us that command.

We must lose the intellect! While the world’s system and elite operate from their intellect, the people of Elohim must operate by the leading of the Spirit Who resides within them.

It was the intellect of the mind that instigated the rebellion that set up the barrier to the Tree of Life; blocking the entrance to the Garden. Mankind, since the Garden, has consistently attempted to gain wisdom ‘outside’ of getting it directly from Yahuweh Himself. The intellect of man says, “I have it all figured out,” and “I don’t need anyone! I can do it all by myself.” The Creator of the universe has been replaced by intellectualism. If it was intellectualism that became the basis for being kicked out of the Garden, it will NOT be intellectualism that gains us entrance back into the Garden.

Becoming childlike and the simplicity of belief in Messiah, is the only way back into the Garden. Read Matthew 18. To become childlike is to accept Messiah Yahushua’s righteousness and dump our own. Our intellect, our goodness can never produce the righteousness necessary for entrance into eternal life. Our own “righteousness” only reveals our true need for a savior. This is why the “righteous” works of Torah could never save anyone, because it could never be kept consistently; in its entirety.

Belief in Messiah Yahushua and in His righteousness, Who without sin, condemned sin in His flesh, and rising from the dead, is the only thing that can and will save us. The intellectual mind and childlike belief are at constant war with each other. The one believes in a Savior while the other believes it is the savior. Intellect shuts out the need for a savior, however, to be childlike is the recognition of our own inability to save ourselves. Most of Sha’ul’s (Paul’s) writings are centered around getting the intellect to submit to the mind of the spirit, which is having the mind of Messiah.

To “become” as a little child is an ongoing morphing process back into the simplicity of wholeheartedly depending upon the Father to take care of us. Why does Messiah say that unless we become as little children, we will not enter into the Kingdom? Think about it. Only a child would be so “foolish” as to put all of their belief in their daddy because he always does what he promises. There is no stretch, for the child, to accept what his/her daddy says is true. A child knows that when he/she cries out, daddy will always come to the rescue. There is no intellect in this! There is no reasoning in this! Our educational system has taught us that we do not need daddy any longer. It has transferred the need for parental guidance into the hands of the those who could care less about the children.

Who is it that we look to as our example of childlikeness? What does childlikeness look like? Take a look at Messiah Yahushua and His interaction with His Father. There you will find the Son in complete submission to His Father and the recognition that He could do nothing without Him.

The truth of childlikeness is at the foundation, the core of the Word; who is Messiah. This truth MUST become a way of life and not something to be stored in the ‘database’ of the intellect. This truth must be perceived by the Spirit, and taught by the Spirit. It is the only way to permeate the hardness of the mind in order to soften it into simplistic thinking again; with total dependence upon Abba for everything!

Childlikeness, and the simplicity of believing in a Father who knows much better than we do about our lives, is shunned by the educational systems of the world, leaving behind a distaste — no — the inability to comprehend anything outside the confines of intellectualism. The western mind has been completely de-sensitized to anything regarding simple childlike belief, because that is considered weakness and something to be mocked, and put down. A child who is raised on violent movies with bloodshed, adultery, fornication and the hate of their neighbor, quickly lose any sense of being appalled and horrified at the destruction of the innocence of life. You cannot fully understand what has happened to the western mind until you visit an eastern culture of simple living, without the influences of the west.

No, being childlike is not something we learn how to be, but is something that we morph back into as our minds are transformed by the Spirit. Childlikeness is something gained by tribulation over time; Yahuweh’s proving of us over and over and over until we finally say – You are Elohim – I am NOT! If a person can say that, they truly understand what it is to be childlike, because they know the proper order of the family; submission to the Head! Intellectualism will always struggle with submission.

If we are not mindful, the intellect of man will always reason away the workings of the Spirit, and destroy simple childlike belief. Without childlike belief, the working of the unity of the Spirit in our lives cannot be understood, and the unity the Spirit brings to His children will be destroyed through intellectual arguments that result in division.

Messiah was sent to gather the lost sheep of the House of Israel and the Spirit was sent by Messiah to empower the sheep to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. The body is no good unless it has the power to move. Messiah Yahushua came to gather together a body, a family, with a common bond that we have all been saved out of something. The Spirit is given, then, for the purpose of overcoming; moving the body into victory over the enemy, through a unified effort.

The power of the Spirit of Father Yahuweh and the gifts He gives by His Spirit, are meant not only for the health of the body, but also for warfare. For example, why is speaking in tongues so important in our everyday lives as believers? Because it surpasses the intellect of the mind and simply believes that Yahuweh hears, understands, and will act on what we are praying. What a powerful gift this is as it is our direct line of communication to the Spirit, in a type of Morse code, interpreted by the Spirit only. The enemy cannot understand what we are saying, so he is unable to intercept the message before it has a chance to go forth and accomplish what has been spoken. This is why we MUST get out of our intellectualism because it will not, nor cannot communicate with, or understand the most basic things of the Spirit.

In Acts 1:15, there was a “gathering” together of about a 120 people. In Joel chapter 2 verse 16, there is a call to “gather” the people. In Acts 2:1, the people were “gathered” together in one place, with one mind. In Exodus 19, Moshe (Moses) “brought” the people on the third day to meet with Elohim at the foot of the mountain.

In all of these instances, the people are first gathered together, and THEN the Spirit is poured out upon them. Messiah’s work is to gather together in Himself, unto His Father, a body of like-minded people that have prepared themselves to receive the power to go forth and overcome. In Acts, those ‘gathered’, received the outpouring of the Spirit. In Joel, those of the restored House of Israel, the gathered people of Elohim, will receive the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of Father ever in the history of man. At Sinai, the people who were gathered around the mountain received the marriage covenant directly from the Spirit of Father as He came down upon the top of the mountain, ‘in a type of burning tongues of fire’. The festival of Shavu’ot brings the refreshing power of the Spirit in order to be able to keep the Torah that was given to us that day at Sinai. Yahuweh’s Spirit came to join us unto himself at Sinai into a covenant, while at Shavu’ot, in Jerusalem that day, Messiah poured His Father’s Spirit on us for our sealing to that covenant, and the power to walk it out every day as witnesses to the resurrection of the Son.

I can’t seem to write anything now about unity without including at least one verse from Psalm 133.

“Like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aharon, running down on the collar of his robes…” – Psalm 133:2

The characteristic nature of oil is to reject and separate from what is not of ‘like’ substance and compound. However, it joins together those who are of the same substance and compound, allowing freedom of movement and interactivity with each other. The Spirit is the oil that promotes unity among those who possess Him, but will separate from those who do not possess a like nature. The body of Messiah must be gathered together in unity, as one (echad), and then the Spirit will come and fill the temple, bringing together the oil that keeps the unity alive and the power to walk out the will of Yahuweh. Remember, Father’s Spirit came and filled Solomon’s Temple when He was invited to come, and all the people were gathered (assembled) together in unity.

I am beginning to feel the closing down of things as we near the end of our journey of salvation. The oil of the Spirit seems to be flowing only between those who are in unity. As oil separates from what does not possess its own ‘make-up’, compound (substance), so the Spirit will separate from those who are not like-minded with Him. All that is left behind are small, exclusive droplets of oily “remnants” in a sea of water and vinegar.

As I close, I want you to read Romans 12 through 15. What is love? Love is preference. To love our neighbor as ourselves, is to give the same preference to others as we do to ourselves. Time and time again, Messiah says that if you want to be the greatest in the Kingdom, then you must become the least; serving others first. We are not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. The family of Elohim must recognize we are all one body, yet with different functions. We must love and care for others to the same degree (or more) than we do ourselves — even possibly to the extreme of ‘no greater love than this, than to lay down our life for a friend.’

Intellectualism will never be able to receive the Spirit of Yahuweh because it cannot tolerate the simplicity of childlike belief. There can be only one Master of the house, our temple, our body. The Spirit will not compete with one’s intellect. Submission and childlikeness must be the walking stick we use on our journey of salvation. If we do not possess it, we will walk along, tripping over our own intellectual “feet”, while causing others to stumble as well.

Messiah Yahushua IS the Way upon which His redeemed family must travel back Home, yet without the power of the inner-working of the Spirit within His body, unity will crumble, resulting in division, and everyone will run about wondering which way to turn; each relying upon his/her own intellect to be their guide. Yahuweh does not want another ‘wandering wilderness’ experience with His children.

We must give up on “thinking” our way back Home again. We MUST be as a little child and simply ask, saying “I’m lost Daddy, and I don’t know my way Home. Help me!” For with this one simple prayer can the intellect be shut down, the enemy will become silent as he cannot talk to the mind any longer, and the Spirit will come, giving the strength and power necessary to help us find our way back Home to Daddy’s arms.

“See to yourselves, that we do not lose what we worked for, but that we might receive a complete reward.” – 2 John 1:8


  1. “Anyone can have a family” —- no, not everyone. Those with families are very fortunate. Some of us don’t have families.

    • Shalom,

      I’m sorry I was a little unclear. In the context of what I was writing, I was talking about the family of Elohim.

      I have updated the post to remove ‘Anyone can have a family’ as to prevent further misunderstandings.

      Blessings to you,


      • Thank you for your reply, Derek. I wasn’t trying to be funny, but often aticles are written as though everyone has a family or is bedded in to a Messianic congregation, while many of us are in neither one nor the other, unfortunately.
        I’ll look at your article again. Thank you for it.

  2. Thank you, brother, for these words.


  3. Dear Derek and Rivkah,
    Shalom to you precious family.. I know the frustration and sadness to which you refer… and I don’t really need to remind you that Abba who is also our King Yahweh Elohim… will not allow another to have the glory and esteem meant for Him alone…
    But I say it anyway… to encourage both you … and me…
    Thank you for what you do…
    With love and shalom,

  4. Thank you Derek for a very good message. I thank Abba Father through His Spirit for giving you wisdom to share with us. I pray Messiah Yahushua bless you always.

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