One Last Breath on the Aviv Barley 2016 — A Personal Cry for Unity

Shabbat Shalom,

Rivkah and I have continued to receive more questioning regarding the “floating” aviv barley reports, that seem to be drifting into the “air space” of concerned believers. “Who’s report are we to believe?”, they ask. If we go by Isaiah 53:1–it is to whom Yahuweh reveals His “Barley Sheaf”, that will determine what report to believe.

Recently, a letter was received from a friend who had some valid concerns/questions regarding the Aviv/Adar Bet. As I began typing a response, I found that what I was writing may very well shed some light for others who may share the same concerns.

Here is the letter–generalized to all concerned…

I will begin by stating the questions/concerns, as I received them–all of which are worthy of consideration:

  1. What is the response of those who cling to Adar II and yet when the next new moon arrives there is no aviv barley to be found, as it has either already shed its fruit or has already been harvested.
  2. How do they, who desired to follow Yahuwah’s calendar, then proceed as this 1 month variance also affects when one celebrates Sukkot.
  3. What do they do when aviv 2017 takes place after only 11 months of their 2016 calendar.

This year has been interesting to say the least. Every year, for the past 5 years, Rivkah and I have been searching and searching on the internet for “other barley reports”—yet, to no avail. They did not exist, as far as we were concerned. Even if we did find what seemed to be ‘another report’, it would eventually be traced back to Nehemia Gordon’s findings. Early on, Rivkah and I actually considered starting our own barley search because we did not entirely trust Nehemiah’s findings, according to how we saw the Scriptures. We would question why he and his team would be looking all over Israel for aviv barley, and not in the place Yahuweh put His Name.

Our concerns and questions caused us to go deeper into Abba, as we began to diligently search the Scriptures regarding what He thought was ‘correct’. Since then, we have attained a better understanding of the ancient ways of what Yahuweh laid out in Leviticus 23, and other passages.

With this said, we are not proclaiming we have arrived at our destination, but that we are continually striving for the simplicity of His truth. We have all been exiled from the Land for over 2500 years, and we are just now, within the last few years, gaining back what we lost–knowledge of the ancient ways. Though it was lost for so long, it is amazing to watch it being restored at such a fast rate. There remains no doubt in my mind that the “crawling” stage we were in yesterday, has accelerated to a full sprint today. It must be this way–after all– if we are going to keep up with the Master and what He is doing in our day.

What was once different, weird, unfamiliar and unclear, had become normal, consistent and comfortable. A standard had been rediscovered in determining the month of the Aviv, and our simple, diligent, and expectant little hearts waited each year for the “official” report of when to celebrate our deliverance from Egypt.

Now…it is 2016.

No longer does simplicity reign, but the confusion of conflicting barley reports.

Why is this?

I do not believe this year to be any different than any other year in the natural course of determining aviv barley–however, whether other reporting teams have always been on the scene or not, they have most certainly emerged this year–displayed on the front page of “The Daily Aviv”.

In my examination of a recent article regarding the announcement of the new year, the author wrote in detail, from an external point of view, about the three teams that did the 2016 Aviv Barley search. In short, two of the teams received high praise, with credentials and qualifications listed, while the third team received less than an ‘honorable’ report. A good reporter must always ensure that even the ‘condemned’ receives an acknowledgement of their credentials and qualifications. This is only to be fair and just in laying out all of the facts. I will say no more on that.

In addition, at the end of the article, I noticed that the new year that was determined was based upon local moon sightings rather than Jerusalem sightings.

Let me bottom line some of this:

It is clear and evident, in going forward, that there will be an increase in the number of teams that go to Israel to conduct the barley search. How do I know this? Where do you think the more than thirty thousand religious denominations and organizations came from? People split off and start their own ventures because they are too prideful to communicate to their leaders what seems to be bothering them. So, unless we want to start seeing a rise in the aviv barley “ecclesiastical” order, there must be a pulling together.

We must realize that until every team decides to gather together and merge as ONE effort—there will continue to be conflicting reports. To me, this sickens my stomach. I can almost see it now—“What month are you celebrating Passover in? Well how did you determine that? Oh, I go to the First Church of the Aviv Barley!” Here I make a joke, but once again, what was once simple, man has made difficult. And when man starts a ‘movement’ out of something, Yahuweh disappears.

Regarding the unity of the aviv search teams: I do not see that Nehemia would have any desire to merge his team with the other teams. Nor do I see the others attempting to merge with Nehemia. However, I judge no one. I cannot see into the hearts of people, nor do I desire to limit what the Spirit can do.

The question must be asked, “what lies behind all of this confusion?” Is the motive in determining the aviv out of a true desire to discover the beginning of the new year, or is it rooted in some ulterior motive? What would the teams lose by merging together? Funding perhaps? I am merely stating that IF people truly want to go by the ancient ways of finding barley, there must be unity. And I find it pretty hard, that without the Spirit of the Most High Elohim doing the uniting, there will be any unification.

Every person who has the Spirit of Abba within them, and desires to celebrate His appointed times, MUST discern by the Spirit for themselves what is truth. What this year has proven, (in my simple understanding), is that Yahuweh is allowing this conflict as a “training ground” to find out if His people will diligently search His heart and listen to what He says. How will the Shepherd ever know if His sheep truly knows His voice, if He doesn’t soften His voice to a whisper sometimes?

If we are in a crowded room, who’s voice are we focused on? Who are we listening to? Are we confused about which voice is real? I would say many people are. I have to admit myself, that I have not reached perfection in completely matching the pitch of my Master’s voice. I’m a little off key at times, but oh how I long to sound like Him–mimicking everything about Him. What I do know is that even if Yahuweh allows confusion at times, He is not the author of it. He is the Author of peace and order.

We are in times in which we absolutely must be tuned in to every single beat of Messiah’s heart. Every sigh, every sound must be distinguished from the false heart rhythms of the world.

The word seder actually means “order”. So what better time to find out who is aligned to His order than at Passover. We are in the times of the counterfeit. More and more, we will be tested on what is real and what is not. I would say that it would be behooving for us all to fall completely in love with the REAL Passover Lamb, so that when the false one arises, it is ridiculously apparent.

It has now come to the point in time, where there is no longer a lone search team out there fighting to return to the ancient ways. Those times were simple. All we had to do was to accept a yea or nay regarding the aviv barley. Now there are multiple teams out there, with various interpretations of what constitutes the aviv stage, as well as different views of how much barley is required for a wave sheaf offering.

This year, it is not a case of being right, but a matter of questioning–what is the Spirit doing and why is He allowing this to happen now? Yahuweh is out to shake everything that can be shaken. Are we clinging to Him for our life (Deuteronomy 4:4)? Does the shaking drive us further into the breast of Messiah, or does it make us want to run out and betray our Master?

Consider the warnings we have been given during this time…

Amongst all of the confusion with the reports, Rivkah and I have become aware of people now questioning the foundational truths of Hebrew time reckoning–both arguing against Yahuweh’s days beginning in the evening, and the rejection of the existence of a 13th month.

Intellectualism gets people no where! If we are to ponder on anything, we must be “pondering” in His Word. He will bring to light the truth we seek after.

I do find it interesting the methodologies being used, the “preciseness” of the barley examinations, and the expert reporting being done,“to the letter,” in order to determine the new year. It is amazing that if that much emphasis and dedication is being demonstrated regarding the ‘aviv barley’, then shouldn’t that much emphasis be placed upon where the Passover is celebrated? If the intensity swells that much around the aviv barley, then shouldn’t there be an equal passion to go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast as required by the Torah?

Yes, the sacrifices have been stopped by Messiah. Yes, we have NO Temple. Yet, with this awareness, we honestly pray that the hearts of the teams, who are in the front-lines of reporting to the masses in the Diaspora, are full of fear, trembling, and humility before Elohim–with no hidden agenda’s.

We only wanted unity this year…

From another view, what about the ancient Israelites who DID know the proper methods of determining the new year? Did that knowledge really help them in the end? Our fathers abandoned Yahuweh, and mistreated the poor, the widows, and the orphans. Yahuweh gave them only what their hearts truly desired. Knowledge without obedience is nothing more than empty rules.

Another caution to consider at this time…

Unity…I’ve written so much about it. We have no way of determining what the conflict this year has done to precious relationships within communities, families, and even marriages. What does it take for people to come together? Must the barley bashing continue? Splits and divisions amongst the brethren–Elohim forbid! What loyalty is left in the earth for the Most High, is being put into the fires of testing.

“He has more education…” “He’s the expert…” “He is a non-believer…” “They believe this is a factor in determining…” “Those over there believe there must be this much to qualify for the offering…” “They sound sincere in their reports…” “They cherry picked their stalks…” “What does it mean by aviv?” “The crescent moon vs the black moon…” “Green ears and parched grain…” “Well I celebrate Shabbat on Monday’s…” “The month doesn’t start until….” “He’s wrong, their right..” “It’s in aviv–no it’s not in aviv…”

To all of this the Creator says—

“Unless Yahuweh of hosts had left to us a small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Amorah. Hear the word of Yahuweh, you rulers of Sodom; give ear to the Torah of our Elohim, you people of Amorah! “Of what use to Me are your many slaughterings?” declares Yahuweh. “I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs or goats. “When you come to appear before Me, who has required this from your hand, to trample My courtyards? “Stop bringing futile offerings, incense, it is an abomination to Me. New Moons, Sabbaths, the calling of meetings (your appointed seasons) – I am unable to bear unrighteousness and assembly. “My being hates your New Moons and your appointed times, they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them” — Isaiah 1:9-14

If there is no love for the brethren, we have nothing. For without love, our very best is as rotting filth in His eyes and a stench in His nostrils!

To the hearts of all who desire to celebrate the Passover of Yahuweh—remember this of the ancient ways:

The same ancient barley fields that were inspected for the determining of the beginning of the month of Aviv, were the same barley fields from which each individual Israelite would bring an offering to Yahuweh–the choicest and best of his crop.

With that said, in the future, if there remains a lack of unity among the teams that go to Israel and search for aviv barley, as each team determines what is “right” in their own eyes, where does that leave the people who truly desire to do what is right in the eyes of Yahuweh? For to do what is right in the eyes of Yahuweh, is to abandon what seems to be “right” in our own eyes. We must, with great humility, ban together for the common cause of the unification of His family–all for the sake of what the Creator says is right. Did the Children of Israel leave Egypt together or divided?

Yahuweh WILL have a unified family–one stick–never to be divided again! It is coming–are we rehearsing for it now?

If the same discord, confusion and division over the barley reporting occurred back in the ancient times of King Solomon, the very wave offering itself would be rejected (not accepted as the Scripture says in Leviticus 23:11). This acceptance is the favor of Yahuweh upon our lives. If we lack the favor of the Most High, we have no salvation. If the resurrection of Yahushua would have been rejected by Yahuweh Himself, where would that leave us today?

What effects one individual will effect the entire community. We are not to be part of the “I” society, but exist as one body of believers. This is not a light ordeal. What we have been allowed to experience this year is a test of loyalty to our First Love. For in loyalty to Him, therein lies no confusion–only peace and order.

Without humility, and a genuine interest to please Yahuweh Elohim in His festivals, He will reject anything we offer unto Him—especially if that offering is rooted in disorder and confusion.

If we do not all come together into the unity of the faith that was once delivered to Messiah’s taught ones, we will never reach a complete measure of the fullness of Messiah (Ephesians 4:13). And if we do not look like Messiah, we will be rejected as an imposter–a phony sheaf of barley. For what will eventually be sickled, and used as a wave offering unto the very ONE who deserves our utmost finest—what is presented…will be counted as dung.

Unity MUST begin with people who are all together willing to go through the same process of becoming an acceptable offering unto Him—from the planting, aviv, harvest, thrashing, winnowing, grinding, crushing–to the emerging from the oven as a sweet smelling fragrance unto Him. Until His people realize this, there remains zero concept of what Messiah Yahushua really accomplished.

In summary–answering the questions from above…

1) What is the response of those who cling to Adar II and yet when the next new moon arrives there is no aviv barley to be found, as it has either already shed its fruit or has already been harvested.

The response to those who cling to Adar II is simply a mute point. There is no Temple left to bring an offering to. And because Messiah is our First Fruits offering from the dead, the response for all should be that of fullness of joy and gladness. For if in this life only we have hope in Messiah, we are most miserable (1 Corinthians 15:19).

2) How do they, who desired to follow Yahuwah’s calendar, then proceed as this 1 month variance also affects when one celebrates Sukkot.

Those who desire to follow Yahuweh’s calendar must proceed according to what brings them His peace within. Remember, not only is Sukkot affected, but all of the rest of the festivals. So, if people are going to be celebrating both, simply due to the mere confusion that stemmed from the various barley reports, then I would have to say that it would also require a double celebration of all of the festivals this year. I cannot imagine that would be the path Abba would have for anyone, however a person must go by what they truly believe in their spirit–according to how they feel Abba is leading them. I really cannot speak for anyone. This is a time of wrapping up the training. His sheep either hear His voice now, or they will never hear it. It is that serious. Never underestimate the Master’s concern when He said…”if the days are not shortened”

3) What do they do when aviv 2017 takes place after only 11 months of their 2016 calendar.

The consideration of months is not the issue, but the status of the barley crop. An extra month does not mean that we start looking for barley a month earlier next year. The agricultural solar cycle that regulates the ripening of the barley, coupled with the sighting of the renewed moon, determines the new year of Aviv. A 13th month occasionally happens, but this is to ensure that the calendar doesn’t drift so much that we begin to celebrate the Passover in December (for example). The barley knows what it is doing. In a 13th month, the 12 month of Adar is simply repeated. Man’s recognizing of time with his calendar, cannot physically alter the agriculture cycles of the earth. When it is time for the barley to sprout, it will sprout. It doesn’t care what month it is in (smile)

In closing:

The desires of His people must be an unwavering tone of declarative praises singing: “Come, Yahushua, Come”. Time will certainly bring all to light, because time carries with it the extreme crushing of the grinding wheel of tribulation. We must find ourselves with the ability to weep over our sins, or else we will find ourselves with the inability to repent of them.

This season is a memorial to the coming out of the filth of our past lives. It aches our hearts to see such confusion in even trying to find out what day to celebrate His Passover on. I can only imagine His heart that aches because of the turning away of those who have used the confusion to dogmatically beat their breast and declare how “right” they are.

In all I have spoken here, I do want to thank every single barley team that went out, spent hard-earned money, and tried, to the best of their abilities, to provide an honest and detailed report of their findings. We must never judge anyone, but only discern rightly between the true and the false. This comes only by knowing the mind of the Spirit of Elohim. Only the Creator knows the heart. I could not fathom seeing into another’s heart. Each of us has our own salvation to work out.

Make no mistake about it, we are in the season of the coming destroyer! And with him, and all his hoards, will come the greatest test the chosen people of Elohim will ever face in this life–the test of loyalty and love for the One who gave His last breath for us when He cried out–“It is Finished!”

Written with humility in the Master,

Derek and Rivkah

One Comment:

  1. Oh Halleluyah, Amein & Amein.

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