Scriptural Proclamations For The Restoration Of All Things


Rivkah and I wanted to share with you something which we are using in an upcoming proclamations trip. We decided to post the 38 page booklet so that you may have the opportunity to join with us as we declare Yahuweh Shammah! Yahuweh–come and restore all things!

Scriptural Proclamations For The Restoration Of All Things contains powerful declarations that state the position and authoritative right the Creator of the universe has to rule over His creation. Based upon Ezekiel 48:35, this printable PDF booklet is to be used as the final shofar blast of His people to call for the Creator to come forth and restore what He originally proclaimed as GOOD

Note: Depending on what program you have, this PDF document can be printed out in booklet form for reading ease.


also visit our webpage <here> for other downloadable proclamations

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