Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) 2019 – An Audio Message

Sukkot, or sometimes referred to as the Feast of Tabernacles, is the 7th and final festival of the feasts of Yahuweh. It is the time of entering into His rest with His family after the final disposition of His enemies. It is the most joyous time of the year. It is the time of the year of the ingathering of the fruits of the earth. It is the time of the Kingly Bridegroom dwelling with His bride and their children forever!

Nehemiah 8:13-18 reveals it as a time of great rejoicing; building booths out of the branches of the olive, palm, myrtle, and willow and the reading of Scripture. It is a time to remember His promise of bringing us through the wilderness and into the promised land! It is a time to look forward to our homecoming day.

Joel 2:18-27 describes it as a time of teaching, healing, restoration, gladness and rejoicing.

Leviticus 26:11-12, John 1:14 and Revelation 21:1-5 all show us how the Father longs to dwell in the midst of His people and be their Elohim (God).

John 7:37-38 shows us how Messiah, on that 8thgreat day of the Feast, calls the thirsty to come unto Him and drink of the Living water so that through their belief in Him, newness of life will burst forth as a river from within.

Revelation 22:1-4 paints a beautiful picture of the 8thday – a time of completion of the former things, the ending of the curse and the launching of new beginnings.

Join Derek and Rivkah as they share a beautiful message about this most joyous day, with insights into the deeper meaning of the true fulfillment of this great Festival.

Recorded at the Prayer & Training Center, Fort Worth, Texas

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