He Still Answers Prayers

Today we visited with the homeless. While grieving from many losses over the past week, we knew that to get out and go downtown, would be the best thing for us. Maneuvering through all of the road construction, we finally came to the first stop. There we saw Charles laying up against a wall, waiting for the food truck to…

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No Compromise Here Please!

Do you compromise in the name of peace? Does the verse in Romans 12:18, where it says “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men,” mean that we are to compromise on Father’s standards or Messiah’s Words so we can live in peace with unbelievers or even other believers? Do not ask me…

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There’s so much I’d like to say…

Thank you Yahuweh… I woke up last night to go to the bathroom, and standing slowly upon my feet because of my aching knees, I began thanking Abba for being able to stand up. The Hebrew meaning for thanksgiving (giving thanks), simply means to throw down and/or cast out the hand – extending the hand as in worship. This gives…

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