“Lo, thou seekest revival. Thou doest well; only seek it not in the energy of the flesh. For the flesh is ever intent upon its own interests; yea, it ever lusteth after those things which do perish with the using. For I would that ye might seek Me in Spirit: then would I come down upon you in all My fullness, and would hold back nothing of all that I desire to do unto thee.
For My ways are hid from them that seek Me in the energy of the flesh. Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of the waterspouts, (Psalm 42:7) and lo, I am in thee, yea for this very purpose above all other purposes, have I taken up Mine abode WITHIN thee; that My Spirit might be diffused through thy spirit, and that we might be one even as I am one with the Father. I in thee, and thou in Me, that we might be unified in thought and in action: in devotions and in purpose, that we might move continually not as two, but as one. (My note: this is how Yahuweh and Yahushua are…echad…marriage is designed this way too, for a man and his bride to be one/echad. See 1 Corinthians 6:17 for being one with Elohim)
I ask thee not to DO, but to BE. For whatsoever is of the flesh is flesh; but when thou shalt allow My Spirit to have free course, when thou dost cease to interfere with My moving within thee, then those things which shall be accomplished both within thee and through thee shall be verily the LIFE OF ELOHIM. For My Spirit is the Spirit of Life, and My Spirit is the motivating power of Divine energy. All else is death. As it is written, “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Elohim.” Neither can man through any endeavor of his own, however holy his purpose, produce this life, which does not exist apart from the direct activity of the Spirit of Yahuweh.
For I am with you and I am in You to make thee neither barren nor unfruitful. I am in thee to give thee Life, and to give it to thee abundantly, yea, life without limit (John 10:10). For all I am able to do for thee is limited only by My omnipotence and my eternal, everlasting Life and Power, and to these there are no limits!
Lo, I wait to bless thee; I wait to give thee of My fullness. I delight to do for thee for I love thee beyond thy power to begin to know. Only drop those things which thou graspeth in thy hand, and place thy hands in Mine. Only wrest thine eyes from those things thou holdest precious, and I will fill them with My glory (esteem).Loose thine affections from all others. Place in My Hands those thou holdest dear. Leave them in My keeping: for so shall thy heart be set free to seek Me without distraction. For when I become to thee more precious than all beside; when I am become to thee more real than all else; and when thou lovest Me more than thou lovest any other, then shalt thou know complete satisfaction.
Thy peace shall flow as a river, and thy joy shall overflow as a fountain, and My glory (esteem) shall be poured out as the fragrant anointing oil upon all thine other relationships.
For I purpose NOT to strip thee of earthly ties and joys, but I long to have thee give to Me the center of thy life that My blessing may flow out to the circumference. For My Spirit moveth not from the circumference to the center, but from the center to the circumference. So yield to Me thy very inmost consciousness. Offer Me not some random portion of thine affections, but give to Me that deepest portion of thy heart, yea, that which seemeth to be thy very life itself. For in very truth it is so. For thou yieldest Me thy life only as thou profferest (offer) thy love. For this reason have I said, love is the fulfillment of the law. So give Me wholly thy heart’s affections and I will meet thine every need.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven; set your desires wholly to obtain the riches of Elohim, and all other things shall be freely supplied according as the needs arise. (Matthew 6:33)
Only be thou very diligent in the quest, for the enemy is ever laying wait that he may through evil device turn thee aside. Be not overtaken by his wiles. Set thy face as a flint. Lay aside every weight and deliberately remove every hindrance. Give thyself unto prayer. Thou hast My promise, that they who seek shall find. And My promises are yea and amen, and My Word shall never pass away.”
Come Away My Beloved by Frances Roberts
Many times in life, we try to “get things done” in our own timing, in our own strength, and in our own way. Then, when we don’t see His Spirit working through us, we wonder why. We busily try to solve other’s problems and even carry burdens that we need to release to Him. We hold precious, things and people in our heart, and often don’t share or expose what is really in our heart to others. That is why Jeremiah 17 says we will be judged by the intentions of our heart…what is in us, whether we show it or say it on the outside. Somehow, we think if we keep it inside, no one will know…even Elohim.
Well, He knows everything! He knows what we are thinking, how we really feel and what and whom we hold in our hearts. As Frances Roberts says above, we must release EVERYTHING, surrender EVERYTHING, to Him. Then, we will see Him working in us and through us! When we really take hold of His right hand, allowing Him to lead us and guide us in everything, we see His favor and His miracles in our lives.
When we release all who are in our “circumference” (our inner circle of friends and family and things we value as important) to Him, He releases His blessings through us to others and His Spirit moves through us to others. That is how they see His Light in us…through us. Our greatest witness to our belief that Messiah Yahushua died for us, was resurrected and rose again is our being filled with Father’s Spirit that Messiah gave us as a Helper, Comforter, and Teacher, so we can help others and continue/do His work.
We must yield everything, especially our will, to Him…so He can and will fulfill His promises to us. We must keep a spirit of thankfulness, even in the most dire of circumstances, so He can and will see us through. We must always remember that without Him, we would have no purpose, no meaning, no life. With Him, His Spirit and Messiah, we have purpose, we have meaning, we have life…eternally with Him in the Kingdom!
If you really want to see Him working in and through you, take your hands off of your circumstances and off of people—especially people you care deeply about, spend more time in prayer and praising Him and thanking Him for everything, and you will see His favor…you will see His Hand in your life…and more importantly, you will see His Hand moving in the lives of those you are praying for and releasing to Him! See Isaiah 61:3; Philippians 4:6-8; Romans 8:25-27
This is an area we struggle in. Through this Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread, we have been asking Father to help us in this area. We truly don’t want to hold anything or anyone more dear in our hearts than Father and Messiah. We don’t want to fret about details or things to do or even how to help others. We want Them to be the center of our lives, trusting and depending on only Them…so we will be “poured out as the fragrant anointing oil upon all of our relationships.”
Release your whole heart to Him today, and say out loud, “I trust You, Abba!” and “I trust You, Yahushua!”
Don’t just say it, believe it, embrace it, live it!
Shalom, joy and love,
Derek and Rivkah