“Have ye read the testimony of My servant Habakkuk? And have ye read of the latter days of My servant, Job? There can be no permanent loss in the life of My children, for out of the seeds of every calamity riseth a whole crop of new victories. It is the way I have made it. The greatest evidence of this truth is Calvary. By design of man, out of the cruelty of wicked hearts, Messiah was made a martyr. But by the Hand of a greater power, He was made to become the Saviour — even the Saviour of the very men who put Him to death.”
Come Away My Beloved by Frances Roberts
Through this powerful statement, along with the testimonies of His servants, Habakkuk, Job and Paul (Sha’ul), we learn the importance of repenting of all sin, not allowing the enemy or our own selves to invoke pride or jealousy regarding anything or anyone, and dying to self so we don’t try to “control” situations or events. When we try to control, we cancel His abundant victories; we cancel the seeds He planted during the calamity we are going through which would have produced more victories in our lives than we could have ever imagined!
This is what it means that He will bring about His good pleasure in everything when we completely depend and trust in Him. He rewards us now and in the Kingdom when we trust in Him. What do you get by trying to control what is happening? Fear, anxiety, stress, mental and physical exhaustion…and sometimes, extra heartache and a longer time in the calamity!
We truly believe most people do not know how to rest in Him…us included! We often find ourselves “striving” to make things happen. If we learn to wait (go forth as normal, confidently expecting Him to take care of our needs) upon Him, He is always going to do better than we could ever ask or imagine, and our trials are shortened because He is compassionate when we are faithful to trust Him completely.
As Frances Roberts said, Sha’ul (Paul) went through “shipwrecks, adversities, distresses, physical privations (hardships/needs), persecutions and the threat of death by wild beasts; but in all these, he rejoiced in his Elohim (God). He was more than victorious. He was given supernatural joy in the midst of all his distresses.” You too, can have supernatural joy in the midst of all circumstances!
As you go forth this week, every time you think of a problem or trial you are going through, say, “I know I can trust You, Yahuweh, to take care of this. I have given this problem to You.” Every time the enemy tries to get you to strive of your own accord, rebuke Him! If His Spirit leads you to do something, do it quickly! You will overcome and will see more victories as a result of trusting Him and seeing things from His perspective, than you ever have before!
Verses to read, meditate and study this week: Joshua 1:9; 2 Samuel 7:28; Psalms 9:9-10, 18:30, 20:7, 27:5, 37:5, 46:10, 62:8, 84:12, 118:8; Proverbs 3:5-6, 28:26, 30:5; Isaiah 26:4, 45:9-11; John 14:11, 27; Romans 5:3-5, 8:16-18, 8:28, 12:1-2, 15:13; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; 2 Corinthians 4:16-17; 1 Peter 1:6-7; Galatians 2:20, 5:19-23; Hebrews 4:9-16, 13:5-6; James 1:2-4, 1:12
Shalom, joy and love,
Derek and Rivkah