Joy and Shalom!
Greetings in the wondrous name of Yahuweh and our Master Yahushua–Our soon coming Messiah!
We just received report of the new moon being sighted in Jerusalem by two witnesses. It is bitter/sweet because last month, the two witnesses were Yedidah and I. We rejoice, however, not because sunset tonight (September 2nd, 2016) begins a new creation calendar year, but because of the great day of trumpets (Yom Teruah)–the day of shouting! Tonight at sunset begins Tishrei 1 (see our calendar). It is a High Shabbat, but it also coincides with the weekly Shabbat.
“Shout for joy to Elohim our strength; Raise a shout to the Elohim of Ya’acob (Jacob). Lift up a song and beat the tambourine, the pleasant lyre and with the harp. Blow the ram’s horn at the time of the New Moon, at the full moon, on our festival day. For this is a law for Yisrael, and a right-ruling of the Elohim of Ya‛acob.”
Psalm 81 :1-4
What a privilege it is, as we enter now into the fall festival season of: Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. It is the season of the great in-gathering of the harvest. We are now entering into the days of awe (the 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur) where we must ensure our lives are without spot and blemish. The focus for this preparation began on Elul 1 (last month–the 6th month).
As we enter into this time, remember that all 8 of the festivals (including Shabbat), is the literal backbone of salvation. Without them, we will never have a clue about who our Messiah is, much less than what He did for us.
- Without Passover, there would be no inheritance.
- Without the Feast of Unleavened Bread, there would be no deliverance from the weight of serving darkness.
- Without First Fruits, there would be no inheritance to present as set-apart.
- Without Shavuot, there would be no inheritance to covenant and have a relationship with.
- Without Yom Teruah, there would be no inheritance to gather.
- Without Yom Kippur, there would be no inheritance to save.
- Without Sukkot, there would be no inheritance to enjoy.
- Without Shabbat, there is no eternal rest for His inheritance.
“For the portion of Yahuweh is His people, Ya‛aqob His allotted inheritance.”
–Deuteronomy 32:9
Chag Sameach!
Derek and Rivkah
I thought the month of Elul just started not Tishri .
Shalom–please see our recent post today.