What Do You Believe?

While talking to Father today, this ‘truth’ began to form within me…

When truth comes, healing comes. When Messiah Yahushua showed up, healing came for people. But what is the primary purpose for healing? In Isaiah 53, what is healing in conjunction with? Salvation from our sins! So, yes, of course He wants His people well, but healings are mainly to bring the lost into the Kingdom, because it is the works and kindnesses of Yahuweh that leads people to repentance. And although healings do come from His hand for His people, they sometimes do not come when His people think they should come. So what is He really after for His people? He is after a heart of humility, brokenness, and their freedom from the fleshly/carnal mindset that daily plagues them. But what is it that keeps His people bound so often to their fleshly and carnal nature? Why do they do what they do not want to do, and do not do what they desire to do?

I asked this question: ‘why is it so easy for people to believe in lies?’ Why? Because lies appeal to the carnal and fleshy mind. Truth must be received in the spirit of a person for it to become reality to a person. If truth is continually seen as the enemy, it will never be embraced by people. Lies are easily believed because they creep in slowly, and before a person knows it, they are believing in something they would have otherwise immediately rejected if it had come right up to them and introduced itself saying, “My name is Lie.”

Truth is rejected often times by people, because it does not conform to what they have always been taught. Truth DOES makes itself known upfront saying, “My name is Truth!” It doesn’t care if it is received or not because it cannot be anything other than what it is. Truth wears no mask or disguise. Truth parallels the light. Light cannot creep in slowly, as hiding under a cloak. Light is either on or off; opposed or accepted; ran from or received. This is the nature of truth. And as Messiah referenced, “do not hide it under a barrel, but place it on a table so that all who enter the house can enjoy its light.”

The nature of a lie is to hide and slink around in the darkness long enough until people accept it and believe it as the nature of truth. This ‘masquerade’ is known as the Mandela Effect. The longer people dwell outside the truth, hiding in the dark (knowingly OR unknowingly), they will continue to embrace the lies they have become so accustomed to receiving and believing—grievingly and mistakenly calling it truth. This is Isaiah 5 when people put good for evil and evil for good.

When you love something, your not afraid of it. You embrace it with all your being. This is why it says, ‘perfect love casts out fear’ (1 John 4:18).

There is no fear in love, because love openly embraces the truth. Fear runs from truth. Fear is the product of lies. As long as there are lies to believe, a person will fear because their foundation of belief was laid in the darkness…the unknown. When truth comes, the light comes. When light comes, the darkness flees and lies do not have a place to hide any longer. And when lies are exposed, they begin to flee and disappear. They are cast out because of the love of the light of truth.

As long as the enemy can keep a person in darkness, through lies that typically ride on the religious traditions of man, they will remain bound, full of fear, and locked inside a prison of four walls that continually move inward until they are squeezed beyond the point of comprehending anything but the lies.

At this point, the prison becomes familiar ground, and anyone who comes with a key to unlock that prison is mocked and rejected, through fear of losing their only security. People gather unto themselves lies, as a bird gathers sticks and soft material to build a nest. Once the nest is built, it is hard to leave because of the warmth it provides. People do not want to leave their comfortable nests of lies because it is the only place they can identify with. Their identity is wrapped up in their “nests”—the only place they feel most secure and at home.

Those who desire the truth, will at some point, be compelled to walk to the edge of their nests by an overwhelming urge for freedom—a sense that will drive them to the point of jumping off in order to spread their wings and fly. As is the natural state of a bird, when it is ready to fly—leaves its nest, so is the natural state of one who loves the truth more than the warm comforts of staying in the nest of lies and traditions. Their destiny is to soar the heavens wide!

This is exactly what Messiah meant when He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” and, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Truth is the doorway to life. If the enemy can keep a person believing in the lie that all there is to this life are the pleasures of the flesh–for that is all that the enemy has to appeal too–then a person will remain bound up, and continually believing what they have been taught all of their life. Truth is immediate, but the effects of truth on a person can take a long time to manifest. Yes, when a person embraces the truth of Elohim’s Word for the first time, they immediately began to make changes, but truth must be allowed to soak in like water into soil. Eventually, the water will make its way down into the cracks and crevices of the earth. In the same manner, truth will find its way down into every crack and crevice of the heart–seeking to flush out every hidden lie found in its path.

Lies unaware creep in so slowly that when a person is finally exposed to the light of truth, they are appalled, and sometimes filled with anger to find out how enwrapped they were with the crawling tentacles of that monster that had so quietly made its abode in their house called ‘life.’ No wonder people have such difficultly in breathing, because the ensnaring lies will eventually squeeze a person to death, just as a python does to its victim.

If the lies are not exposed in time, it may become too late for a person to break free from the squeeze of deception. Such as someone with great wealth, who when they finally realize all of their money will never satisfy the longing in their heart, or fill that void in their life–their eyes then open will see the truth that what they had trusted in was not the master of freedom, but the master of greed in whom they were always enslaved to.

The Word of Elohim rescues us from the grips of the snake, but also gives us the wisdom to keep from falling again into the same trap.

This is why so many people with fame, success and wealth commit suicide, or they experience some horrendous upheaval in their life, or some devastating circumstance that leaves them on the brink of going mad because they cannot handle the squeezing effects of the lies they once bought into—lies that life would bring them a deserved, and complete happiness, immunity from all pain, and the right to rule their world from the throne upon which they sit, overseeing the kingdoms they built by the sweat of their brow.

Yahuweh wants His people free. It is time to wake up to what He has been saying all along. ‘Loosen yourselves from the entanglement of the web of lies woven by that ole black widow, the devil—lies that to believe anything other than what you have been taught all of your life, would be a treasonous act against a lifelong loyalty to what you once thought was truth!’ People will battle to the end for the sake of being right. If they only knew that ‘being right’, with a refusal to believe otherwise, would be, and is, the very action that will cause the Great Judge of heaven and earth to utter those irrevocable words, “I never knew you! Away from Me you workers of iniquity!”

It is time for His people to jump out of the ‘nest’ of lies and into His marvelous light of truth. Just because you have been doing something most, or all of your life, doesn’t mean that it is “righteous”. It is time to become uncomfortable with lies, and to become comfortable with the truth. If we are not secure in who we are in Him, we have no identification–no I.D. And those who are without an I.D., will be arrested by the enemy and locked away, for they have become an easy prey to the trap of the lies and deceptions that easily ensnare those who have forgotten who they are.

Only Messiah Yahushua’s blood can change the DNA of our life—to give us His Father’s Name–so that we are no longer wanderers in a vast, dry and thirsty land where there is no water. Wanderers and prisoners of darkness—this is what happened to those who lost their identification, forgetting the reason and purpose for which they were created—they were deceived, and their fate lies in eternal unrest! (Jude 1:6)

There is no greater task in this life than to know His Name and to become known by His Name. In Psalm 91, Yahuweh speaks of those who know His Name—that He will deliver them and honor them—giving them long life and showing them His salvation.

Why do so many of His people expect the Son of Elohim to announce to His Father, in the presence of the Angels and all of heaven, that He knows them, when His people have no clue to His identity?

Their “Savior” is who they always thought He was, rather than knowing who He really is! There is a difference my friend. This is the damning result of the Mandela Effect.

Are we to base our salvation on someone we ‘think’ we know, or should we base it upon someone we truly know?

It is time to re-evaluate our relationship with our Savior. It is time to work out knowing Him now, rather than waiting on hearing–“I never knew you!”

Lies mask the identity of who the Creator of the universe really is. We identify with Him through our obedience to His commandments and the love we have for our brothers.

Only when truth comes, will the fog lift and our identity return. And when we know who we are, in the Master, and through the Master, then we will be free. And for what purpose is our freedom? To help others become free also–through the Son. This is our calling. This is why we were born. To first find our own name, and then go and help others find theirs.

The House of Israel lost their identity because of their wretched ways in the abandonment of the Torah. We, Ephraim, the northern tribes of Israel…forgot our own names. But now, in returning to the ancient ways, and embracing the truths of the original covenant that never went away, we are slowly shedding the lies that we have been taught down through the ages, and are finally beginning to find out who we really are. And when we begin to remember our own name, because we are now listening to the One who has never stopped loving us—never stopped calling out to us–then we will finally embrace what it means to be “not forsaken.”

You see, the very depth of the truth is this: Abba never forsook His children. He has always stood on the porch and looked out across the land for even a glimpse of His son coming home. And joyously, some of us have heard Him calling, and have come to bow down at His feet, weeping greatly because of His goodness towards us. And, as He reaches down to lift us up on our feet, He slides His ring on our finger, and puts His robe around us, embracing us, saying, “welcome home!” Afterwards, He leads us to the great banquet of which He has prepared for us–something our own eyes, ears and mind could never have seen, heard or conceived. This…this is the reward of embracing the truth of His Word.

For if we do not come to a point of disgust of working to feed what He has called defiled, then our lives will be a continual service to that defilement and we will miss out on the love of the only One who has ever cared enough for us to sacrifice His only Son to provide a way back home again.

Come Home, and embrace the only Way that leads back home—for His Way of Truth is the only way that will lead us to Life everlasting.

Ask yourself, “why do I believe what I believe?” THEN, go to the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, and allow the Spirit of the Teacher, Yahuweh Himself, to reveal to you what you should believe and embrace as truth, and what you are to discard as falsehood. We are the vessel, and the temple of the living Yah. Within us, there must not be, nor can there exist in unity—the true and the false. There is only room for one OR the other. Which one are you keeping? Which one are you in most fear of losing? Do you find it more comfortable to believe in lies or in the truth?

Shabbat Shalom,


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