Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) 2019 – The Final Call to Choose Life

A Day of Affliction, Judgment, Decision, War, Separation and Family Restoration – Yes – This is a day unlike any other because it is the day of finalities – the day of the Yahuweh. In this special message, recorded at the Prayer & Training Center, Derek and Rivkah share crucial insights and revelation into this most set-apart day of the year.

The absolute importance of this day for Elohim’s chosen people is showing that we love truth more than we love ourselves and fleshly desires. It is a day to witness the true intentions of the Bridegroom come to fruition for His bride. It is our last opportunity to tell the Love of our life that we choose His ways over the deceptive ways of the serpent. It is this day, that we go back to the Garden and choose to obey the Creator rather than the lie of the serpent. It is this day, that the enemy of our souls is separated from us and we will enter into the time of peace as our King begins to reign over His kingdom.

Scripture References: Leviticus 16, 23, Joel 2, Revelation 19 and many more.

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