Episode artwork attribution – Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org
Join Derek and Rivkah as they share about Yom Teruah (The Day of Trumpets). In this message, recorded at the Prayer & Training Center in Fort Worth, Texas, several questions are addressed:
1. When is Yom Teruah?
2. What is Yom Teruah?
3. How does Elohim want us to celebrate Yom Teruah?
The seventh month of our gathering together for the festivals of Yahuweh is all about endurance (Ethanim – 1 Kings 8:1-2).
Will you endure to the end to see the ‘completion of Elohim’s covenant and worship with joy’?
Will you be like the assembly of Philadelphia who will never let anyone take their crown (Revelation 3:11)?
On September 1, 2019, we entered into the timing of the 10 days of awe. Now is the time of T’shuvah (repentance). Now is the time to ensure that what you believe isn’t based on head knowledge, but founded in knowing the nearness of the heart of the Master. We never really know a person until we have gone through much trials and tribulation with them.
Chag Sameach – Have a joyful fall festival season with full expectation of our soon coming deliverance!
Read Leviticus 23 and the book of Joel as a prerequisite to listening to this message!
Click <HERE> to listen to the message!
Be sure and download the accompanying notes <HERE>!